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Spring Photos




Altered with 2 Filters

Hand Drawn Color Pop

Altered Hue/Saturation



To interpret the theme of Spring, I found objects that had some color starting to show after the long winter. I took all of my pictures outside because that is where the change happens in Spring. I was able to improve my photos using the crop tool by focusing closer on my subject whether it was the budding flower or leaves on the ground. I liked my use of backgrounds in the budding picture and the sunset because I tried to alter them to make the picture look better. I was not pleased with the background of the picture of the rock because it wasn't interesting and I couldn't make it look appealing. My favorite image is the one of the budding plant because I was able to edit it  to make the red stand out and I also like how the background automatically blurred to focus on the plant. My least favorite image is the round water one because it doesn't have very much color. To improve my photos I am going to try and capture things with more color, and try using different angles to include more in a picture. 

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